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Learning Resources

We have four resources that you need to know about!  Click on the links below for more information!


Navigating the Winds of Change: Staying on Course in Business & in Life

Learn how to more effectively deal with the changes that blow your way in life.  Take those lessons to learn how to lead change at work that lasts.  Click on the book cover to learn more.


Click here to get your copy now from our secure online store. Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc.


How to Organize Your Inbox and Get Rid of E-Mail Clutter

Sick of spam? Is e-mail taking too much of your time? Learn how to spend less time doing e-mail and how to get rid of the stress of a bulging inbox.  Click on the book cover to learn more.



In order to help you in your personal leadership development, we are providing links below to some recommended resources from our partners.  Just click on the image and you will be sent to to learn more and purchase the resource.
  Click here to purchase this leadership development resource! This is one of the best books available for mastering productivity skills.  David Allen is an excellent writer and teacher, and draws from his years of productivity consulting to put together a great work.  Please read this book if you are interested in making radical improvements in your productivity!  In addition, you should consider checking out David's web site to learn more about his excellent resources.
Click here to purchase this leadership development resource! Click here to purchase this leadership development resource!

This book does a great job of providing you with skills to start thinking about time management from a life management perspective.  This book includes some excellent resources for developing your personal mission statement.  Click the image on the left for the paperback, or on the right for the audio book.

  Click here to get your copy

Situational Leadership is a simple yet effective model for growing your people management skills.  My favorite quick read on the topic is Ken Blanchard's book.  Click the book cover on the left to get your copy from Amazon and enjoy!

  Click here to order!

Effective leaders grow the people around them. Growth often requires delivering constructive feedback.  This is my favorite book on the topic.  Click the book cover on the left to get your copy from Amazon and enjoy!





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