Tuesday, February 11

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Endorsements for the Institute

We have had the real privilege of helping thousands of people from hundreds of companies over the years.  Below is a small subset of what they say about our keynote presentations and learning sessions.  Are you ready to get this level of enthusiasm from the participants of your upcoming event?  Contact us now for information and scheduling.

From Corporate Executives

  • project management keynote speaker Andy Kaufman, PMP“Thank you for putting the perfect exclamation point on our national sales meeting! Your presentation delivered important skills to help raise the bar of our sales effectiveness, and your energy and enthusiasm kept everyone engaged from start to finish. Post-event surveys showed that the salespeople enjoyed and valued the presentation. It was rated one of the best of the two day conference. Plus I had a lot of fun. We look forward to working with you again in the future!” Larry Gordon, Vice President, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Inc.

  • "Daugherty brought Andy in to present a keynote to our mutual customers and prospects on a gloomy Fall day at the race track. Andy’s energy and enthusiasm brought a ray of sunshine into the tent, and partnering with him was the best bet of the day! The event was a huge success, and we plan on working closely with Andy in the future." Peter Morris, SVP Sales, Daugherty Business Solutions.

  • "All of the comments I heard (with no exception) about the two sessions you led were positive, and I certainly felt you delivered value, solid and applicable information and techniques, and a welcome dose of humor. I just recommended you yesterday to the local government body that fosters training and development at businesses throughout our state."  Suzanna Mak, CEO, PC-Doctor, Inc.

  • "At this point in my career I've had the opportunity work with very talented people and I can say with confidence that you are near the top of the list. Thanks again for a great experience." Peter Perrello, Director, Fisher-Price.

  • "Thanks for your class on project management for our sales force. Your animated style kept the class moving along well so the sales group remained fully involved. After the session I talked with a number of the Account Managers to get their thoughts on the session. One comment stands out as a good summary of the whole group: 'When Andy started talking about project management I couldn’t understand how that would apply to sales; that was something engineers did. Once we started the exercises it became clear that how we work with our customers to bring on new business, new products or new designs is really a project and that there are tools available to help us do that job better.'  I think that really captured the value that our sales organization reaped from your session."  Robert Coleman, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, BWAY Packaging

  • "The session was interactive, highly tailored to our situation.  It was clear you had done your homework to understand our company. I look forward to implementing these techniques and tools.", Stephanie Black, Vice President, PPC

  • "Your presentation was powerful and energetic.  The audience got intimately involved and the feedback following the sessions rated your workshops among the best of our conference."  J.R. Whitby, Vice President, Gospel Communications International

  • "Thank you for facilitating your 'Beyond Time Management' session with our leadership team. The practical advice and techniques were thought-provoking and applicable to real-life situations, and your facilitation style kept everyone engaged. Team members are already benefiting from your material!" Walt Wikman, Executive Vice President, Information Resources, Inc.

  • "I have already started to implement the organizational tools you were demonstrating yesterday, and I'm sure that my efficiency will increase as a result. Thanks again for presenting your workshop in a way that seemed tailor-made for our group."  Kandy Madlock, Angus Chemicals & DOW Biocides

  • "Very well done.  Info packed!  Enjoyed the motivational presentation style.", B. Larson, CEO, Advanteq, LLC.

  • "Great job!  Exceptional!", D. Bussell, President, Omicron, Inc.

From Human Resources leaders and Meeting Planners

  • "I highly recommend Andy Kaufman as a presenter. His material is timely and relevant. His presentation style is appropriate and quite engaging for employees of any level. It is my plan to bring Andy back to provide additional sessions for our front-line staff and other topics to our managers." Denise J. Mariotti, Organization Design and Competency System, University of Pennsylvania Health System

  • "Your two speaking sessions had a resounding impact on the quality of education our attendees were able to receive at the conference.  The topics you spoke about were timely and relevant to the needs of our audience.  Furthermore, you balanced your presentations with knowledge, excitement, and effectiveness.  Thanks for stepping up to the plate on such short notice and making the event a resounding success.  I look forward to working with you in the future."  Colleen M. Craig, Conference Manager: Project Management Portfolio, Imark Communications

  • "We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from our delegates, and we believe this was a very successful event.  Your contribution as a speaker was certainly a vital part of our success!"  Kathleen Ballard, Conference Manager, Software Management & Applications of Software Measurement conference, Software Quality Engineering, Inc.

From the Media

  • "one of the sharpest and most insightful persons in the Internet/Computer industry", Jim Massey, Editor-In-Chief, InewsAgency.com

From Academic Leaders

  • “I had the good fortune to attend your two presentations here at the University of Arizona. The first, 'Navigating the Winds of Change', was very impressive as it was tailored to our particular situation. The material was appropriate and on target. We left the session with greater knowledge and learned how to apply specific points to the situation at our institution. We can move forward positively from this point. Your Fall Behind Point concept was particularly interesting, as was your recommendation to make small incremental steps instead of major changes. The next day we were able to participate in the "Beyond Time Management" session. This presentation was filled with 'take away and apply' information. Being better organized does not seem so impossible now. The steps you recommend really make sense. The way you interacted with the audience was truly remarkable. You brought folks into the presentation and made them participants instead of attendees. Frankly, I have attended several presentations by Dr. Stephen Covey and others and find you to be their equal. Your approach certainly seems easier to follow. I look forward to hearing you again and to receiving your newsletter.” Dr. D.W. DeYoung, Associate Director, University Animal Care, University of Arizona

  • "Thanks for your great presentation on change. Change is one of those things that is always occurring and always resisted - irrationally! You provided some really terrific tools for people to look at change in a rational way, making their expectations a little more realistic and a little less threatening. I personally got some great nuggets from your talk...." James K. Collins, PhD., Department Head, University of Arizona

  • "Andy, I enjoyed the session this past Monday immensely! It was just what I needed to get me jump started. This week, I have put into practice the techniques you taught us and my week has been so much more productive. I am actually using the planner I have and "getting out of my mind". Just writing to-do's down as soon as I think of them has helped me tremendously. Thanks so much!!" Ashley Cain, Wheaton College staff

From Ministry Leaders

  • "Thanks for the excellent coaching you gave our team on time management. In a growing organization time effectiveness is often like grasping at straws, but you gave practical advice in a dynamic manner that energized the participants rather than simply overwhelming them. Thanks also for your willingness not only to talk at them but to meet with them personally for coaching at the implementation level. This willingness to roll up your sleeves is what set your training sessions apart. We look forward to working with you again.", Dr. James MacDonald, Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel

  • “Thank you so much for speaking at our staff retreat. It was a valuable use of our time, and will no doubt lead to better organization and higher more efficient productivity!  We always appreciate your insights!” Joe Stowell, Executive Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel

From Participants in Presentations

  • "It was truly the best and most important course I have taken in my professional career. Your leadership and expertise of this subject clearly shows your command of the subject and I would wholeheartedly recommend you to any person or firm that is looking for this type of training." Trust Officer & Senior Analyst, financial services organization
  • "Energetic presenter who used 'real life' examples that all employees (no matter what level) can relate to.", L.M., University of Pennsylvania Health System
  • "Without the lessons learned from your class, I probably would not have worked through this issue with Client Service as I did. It was a huge success and Client Service was appreciative that I thought through her issue." J.T., ACNielsen
  • "Upbeat, really gets everyone involved & does research on who the audience is. You knew key points about our job." T.T., Child & Family Connections
  • Andy directs the audience in such a way that every participant finds the information relevant and useful, while at the same time envisioning the entire solution for the entire group. Scott, McDonald's
  • "Thank you for the absolutely outstanding training sessions you gave us. The content was right on for fitting with the company. It was very obvious that you had done your homework and this was noticed by everyone. What you taught is indeed 'real world'."  C.R., PC-Doctor, Inc.
  • “Real-life, common sense” approach. M.S., U.S. Patent and Trade Office
  • "Not just another Time Management/'How to' course. You actually gave relevant examples and ways to become more efficient. One of the only courses I've taken that I'll actually use the information. Thanks!"  Erin, DOW Biocides
  • "One of the most relevant classes I've had. With 18 years experience it's nice to have teaching that will actually help me!", B.Z., Practitioners Publishing Company
  • "Provided methods for handling complexity of all the stuff on my plate.", J.D., Raytheon
  • “Andy was credible and spoke from experience.” S.P., McKesson Corp
  • "Appreciated the interactive approach, humor, and strong messages of the presentation.", R.S., Cognizant Technology Solutions, Inc.
  • “Very impressive! I never once glanced at my watch all day!” D.W., Microsoft
  • "Practical advice with relevant techniques!" J.W., Information Resources, Inc.
  • "Loved Andy's energy and the great ideas!  Thanks!", R.R., Bally Systems
  • "Practical ideas for getting organized.", B.B., McData Corporation
  • "Would love to have had a longer session", P.H., Cognizant Technology Solutions, Inc.
  • "Down to earth advice...", Wendy Kunz, Sylvan Learning Center
  • "Dealt with the subject matter realistically and with a sense of humor.", K.O., MIB, Inc.
  • "I am in dire need of getting more organized.  I think with some of the tips we got today, I will increase my sense of accomplishment, reduce stress, and be more productive!", Systems, IRI
  • "Glad I was able to attend, and look forward to sharing the information with my co-workers." J.B., Human Resources, UA
  • "Good handling of the topic." J.S., Benetech, Inc.
  • "Thanks!  Very worthwhile!", S.N., CNA
  • "Great speaker, very effectively communicated key issues and topics.", J.P, PPC
  • "Andy was a great presenter--kept people engaged and was a good listener!", P.K., Ultimate Software
  • "Simple and practical ideas, grounded in humor and interaction.", K.H., Moody Bible Institute
  • "Andy did a great job--upbeat, hopeful, realistic!", B.H., Willow Creek Association
  • "Andy did an excellent job presenting, answering questions.", D.T., Inner City Impact
  • "Great speaker, holds interest well, good at keeping focus on topic."
  • "Very useful real world info and tips."
  • "One of the best presentations I've ever attended; very applicable."
  • "This was a very high energy presentation. I wish all of them were this way."
  • "Wish my managers had taken this class!"
  • "Please bring this back as a full day class!"
  • "This was the most engaging and encouraging session I've attended here.  Thanks for reminding us to pick a key point to take home (and for the early morning enthusiasm)!
  • "Best session so far.  Wish it was longer.  Very valuable to get feedback from other participant on their real life situations."
  • "Fun!"
  • "This was a great experience!"
  • "Likely to be the best session of this year!"
  • "Very practical -- thanks."
  • "I greatly appreciate the down-to-earth session."
  • "Excellent class; time flew by!"
  • "Very informative, energetic & positive; great motivational speech."
  • "Andy was a great speaker; he kept me interested and thinking of changes I could use in my team."
  • "Best of the conference!"
  • "I learned some skills that I plan to try."
  • "Liked the fostering of audience participation."

Are you ready to get this level of enthusiasm from the participants of your upcoming event?  Contact us now for information and scheduling!

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